The purpose of this group is to provide people living with grief with a safe place to express feelings and navigate through grief. This is a safe place for people to be honest about their situation and its impact on their lives. This group is to empower people to face their grief and help give them validation that they are OK as a person despite their situation.
Confidentiality - Who is in the group and white is said in the group stays in the group. The only person who will know that you in the group is the Pastor (Rev Leo Jones-Morton).
Please Note: The only time that confidentiality will ever go outside the group is if someone is a threat to themselves or to someone else. The appropriate measures will be taken to resolve the situation.
This is a support group, not a therapy group.
We would like you to be invested in this support group. Please refrain from using your cell phones. If you must text or make a call, please excuse yourself from the group. Please silence all phones if you must answer your phone. Please quietly step outside to take the call.
Grief is different for everyone, please respect everyone’s grieving process and their journey.
Group members do not have to be members of Unifour Church to attend, but we do ask they you respect the spiritual nature of others.
Members shall agree not to try and fix anyone else’s problem, just be honest about their own circumstances and what works for them.
Talk sessions have been proven to help manage grief, however, there is no obligation to come to group, if you feel that you are not benefitting from group, we encourage you to seek help from a professional therapist who specializes in grief.
We encourage therapy outside of group.
If you are in therapy, we encourage you to tell your therapist that you are attending the support group.
Please be attentive and allow everyone to share and to be heard. Please refrain from interrupting (cross talk).
Please respect the physical boundaries of others. Ask permission to hug or touch.
All feeling are ok. Feelings are neither right nor wrong, good no bad. We do not need to rescue people from their feelings, when we attempt to do so, we are doing an injustice and blocking someone’s ability to heal. When feelings are heard with respect and empathy, people can begin to resolve those feelings.